How to Save a Deal
Few business owners truly understand the complex dynamics of making a deal. Having never participated in selling a business before, the majority of business owners are blissfully unaware of what it takes to turn the dream of selling a business into a reality. Having a brokerage professional by their side is an easy way for a business owner to avoid the dangers that can easily torpedo a deal....Read More

by Ontario Commercial GroupMarch 23, 2024 Buyer Articles and Tips, Seller Articles and Tips0 comments
How Business Owners Can Leverage AI
Artificial Intelligence has certainly received more than a bit of attention in the last two years. It’s no wonder that many business owners wonder how best to use this tool to gain an edge over the competition. Currently, the cost of ChatGPT-4 is only $20 per month, which is a very nominal cost considering its capabilities. For that cost, users gain access to a powerful large language model...Read More

Options for Family Owned Businesses
If you own a family-owned business, you may feel as though there are more factors to consider when it’s time to sell. In this article, we’ll examine some of the best options that business owners can use. You’ll want to keep in mind that both internal and external strategies are available to you. Let’s take a closer look. 3 Types of Internal Transactions One of the top options for selling a...Read More

Understanding the Modern Buyer
A key part of the American Dream is the notion of being financially independent and controlling one’s fate. While times have changed, the idea of the American Dream is alive and well. Entrepreneurs have long realized that one of the quickest ways of achieving this dream is to own a successful business. The majority of today’s buyers are well-educated and come from the corporate world;...Read More

The Top 4 Reasons Why Deals Fall Apart
It takes a lot of work to buy or sell a business. When a once-promising deal is not successful, this can be due to a wide array of reasons. However, understanding why a deal can fall apart in advance can dramatically increase your odds of success. Some of the reasons that deals fall apart are reasonable, while other reasons, to be blunt, are unreasonable. Let’s take a look at four common...Read More

6 Critically Important Aspects of Due Diligence
Performing due diligence as a part of your company’s annual review is a smart move and one that can help your business in a range of ways. Through this means, if the day comes that you need or want to sell, then you’re ready to go. There are six key areas of due diligence that you’ll want to consider. These are aspects that most serious buyers will consider when buying a business. You can...Read More

7 Important Questions to Ask Yourself When Selling A Business
There is no denying the fact that for most people, the decision to buy or sell a business is one of the most important professional and financial decisions that they will ever make. Let’s turn our attention to some of the key questions you’ll need to ask. Table of Contents: What Is Really for Sale? What Assets Bring in Revenue? What Is Proprietary? What’s Your Competitive Advantage? What Is...Read More

Steps for a Successful Closing
The closing is a pivotal moment in the history of a business as it marks the formal transfer of a business from one party to the next. Behind every successful closing is months of focus and hard work. Simply stated, a successful closing doesn’t just happen, but is instead the byproduct of extensive negotiations. One key document to utilize in the closing process is the Purchase and Sales...Read More

by Ontario Commercial GroupJanuary 27, 2024 Business Brokers, Seller Articles and Tips, Selling A Business0 comments
Lack of Experience Can Be a True Deal Killer
Most business owners are experts at running their specific businesses. They are not necessarily experts at selling businesses. This is where working with a seasoned brokerage professional can prove to be invaluable. As it turns out, there are endless examples of people trying to save money by simply finding an MBA to handle the sale of their business. Owners often will trust this person...Read More