The Devil May Be in the Details
When the sale of a business falls apart, everyone involved in the transaction is disappointed – usually. Sometimes the reasons are insurmountable, and other times they are minuscule – even personal. Some intermediaries report a closure rate of 80 percent; others say it is even lower. Still other intermediaries claim to close 80 percent or higher. When asked how, this last group responded that they require a three-year exclusive engagement period to sell the company. The theory is that the longer an intermediary has to work on selling the company, the better the chance they will sell it. No one can argue with this theory. However, most sellers would find this unacceptable.
In many cases, prior to placing anything in a written document, the parties have to agree on price and some basic terms. However, once these important issues are agreed upon, the devil may be in the details. For example, the Reps and Warranties may kill the deal. Other areas such as employment contracts, non-compete agreements and the ensuing penalties for breach of any of these can quash the deal. Personality conflicts between the outside advisers, especially during the
due diligence process, can also prevent the deal from closing.
One expert in the deal-making (and closing) process has suggested that some of the following items can kill the deal even before it gets to the Letter of Intent stage:
- Buyers who lose patience and give up the acquisition search prematurely, maybe under a year’s time period.
- Buyers who are not highly focused on their target companies and who have not thought through the real reasons for doing a deal.
- Buyers who are not willing to “pay up” for a near perfect fit, failing to realize that such circumstances justify a premium price.
- Buyers who are not well financed or capable of accessing the necessary equity and debt to do the deal.
- Inexperienced buyers who are unwilling to lean heavily on their experienced advisers for proper advice.
- Sellers who have unrealistic expectations for the sale price.
- Sellers who have second thoughts about selling, commonly known as seller’s remorse and most frequently found in family businesses.
- Sellers who insist on all cash at closing and/or who are inflexible with other terms of the deal including stringent reps and warranties.
- Sellers who fail to give their professional intermediaries their undivided attention and cooperation.
- Sellers who allow their company’s performance in sales and earnings to deteriorate during the selling process.
Deals obviously fall apart for many other reasons. The reasons above cover just a few of the concerns that can often be prevented or dealt with prior to any documents being signed.
If the deal doesn’t look like it is going to work – it probably isn’t. It may be time to move on.
© Copyright 2015 Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
Photo Credit: jppi via morgueFile
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Family Businesses
A recent study revealed that only about 28 percent of family businesses have developed a succession plan. Here are a few tips for family-owned businesses to ponder when considering
selling the business:
- You may have to consider a lower price if maintaining jobs for family members is important.
- Make sure that your legal and accounting representatives have “deal” experience. Too many times, the outside advisers have been with the business since the beginning and just are not “deal” savvy.
- Keep in mind that family members who stay with the buyer(s) will most likely have to answer to new management, an outside board of directors and/or outside investors.
- All family members involved either as employees and/or investors in the business must be in agreement regarding the sale of the company. They must also be in agreement about price and terms of the sale.
- Confidentiality in the sale of a family business is a must.
- Meetings should be held off-site and selling documentation kept off-site, if possible.
- Family owners should appoint one member who can speak for everyone. If family members have to be involved in all decision-making, delays are often created, causing many deals to fall apart.
Many experts in family-owned businesses suggest that a professional intermediary be engaged by the family to handle the sale. Intermediaries are aware of the critical time element and can help sellers locate experienced outside advisers. They can also move the sales process along as quickly as possible and assist in negotiations.
Keeping it in the Family
It’s hard to transfer a family business to a younger kin. Below are some statistics regarding family businesses.
- 30% of family businesses pass to a second generation.
- 10% of family businesses reach a third generation.
- 40% to 60% of owners want to keep firms in their family.
- 28% of family businesses have developed a succession plan.
- 80% to 95% of all businesses are family owned.
Source: Ted Clark, Northeastern University Center for Family Business
© Copyright 2015 Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
Photo Credit: naomickellogg via morgueFile
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Two Similar Companies ~ Big Difference in Value
Consider two different companies in virtually the same industry. Both companies have an EBITDA of $6 million – but, they have very different valuations. One is valued at five times EBITDA, pricing it at $30 million. The other is valued at seven times EBITDA, making it $42 million. What’s the difference?
One can look at the usual checklist for the answer, such as:
- The Market
- Management/Employees
- Uniqueness/Proprietary
- Systems/Controls
- Revenue Size
- Profitability
- Regional/Global Distribution
- Capital Equipment Requirements
- Intangibles (brand/patents/etc.)
- Growth Rate
There is the key, at the very end of the checklist – the growth rate. This value driver is a major consideration when buyers are considering value. For example, the seven times EBITDA company has a growth rate of 50 percent, while the five times EBITDA company has a growth rate of only 12 percent. In order to arrive at the real growth story, some important questions need to be answered. For example:
- Are the company’s projections believable?
- Where is the growth coming from?
- What services/products are creating the growth?
- Where are the customers coming from to support the projected growth – and why?
- Are there long-term contracts in place?
- How reliable are the contracts/orders?
The difference in value usually lies somewhere in the company’s growth rate!
© Copyright 2015 Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
Photo Credit: jeltovski via morgueFile
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What Are Buyers Looking for in a Company?
It has often been said that valuing companies is an art, not a science. When a buyer considers the purchase of a company, three main things are almost always considered when arriving at an offering price.
Quality of the Earnings
Some accountants and intermediaries are very aggressive when adding back, for example, what might be considered one-time or non-recurring expenses. A non-recurring expense could be:
- meeting some new governmental guidelines,
- paying for a major lawsuit, or
- adding a new roof on the factory.
The argument is made that a non-recurring expense is a one-time drain on the “real” earnings of the company. Unfortunately, a non-recurring expense is almost an oxymoron. Almost every business has a non-recurring expense every year. By adding back these one-time expenses, the accountant or business appraiser is not allowing for the extraordinary expense (or expenses) that come up almost every year. These add-backs can inflate the earnings, resulting in a failure to reflect the real earning power of the business.
Sustainability of Earnings
The new owner is concerned that the business will sustain the earnings after the acquisition. In other words, the acquirer doesn’t want to buy the business if it is at the height of its earning power; or if the last few years of earnings have reflected a one-time contract, etc. Will the business continue to grow at the same rate it has in the past?
Verification of Information
Is the information provided by the selling company accurate, timely, and is all of it being made available? A buyer wants to make sure that there are no skeletons in the closet. How about potential litigation, environmental issues, product returns or uncollectible receivables? The above areas, if handled professionally and communicated accurately, can greatly assist in creating a favorable impression. In addition, they may also lead to a higher price and a quicker closing.
© Copyright 2015 Business Brokerage Press, Inc.
Photo Credit: mconnors via morgueFile
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