Metal Fabrication of Machinery and Equipment
Metal Fabrication of Machinery and Equipment
This company supplies machinery and tools to Fabricators across Canada. In Ontario they focus on direct sales and in other provinces they sell to local machinery dealers at wholesale prices. The company has exclusive agreements with some suppliers for all of Canada and other equipment they import from Taiwan and a small amount from China. The company stocks machinery and has it electrically approved for sale in Canada, making it an easy transaction for both dealers and end users.
Owners wish to retire.
Seller is willing to train new owner for up to 2 years if required.
The building consists of 6450 sq. ft. with two offices, kitchenette, washrooms and common area of approximately 1000 sq. ft. and balance is a heated warehouse.
Suppliers often ask present owner to sell their products on a regular basis, so adding a new line form for these products on the website would lead to growth.
Growth can be achieved with the current product lines by adding outside sales team and or service.
Currently service is not operated as a profit center.