Dessert Cafe and Coffee Bar
Dessert Cafe and Coffee Bar
Price: $250,000
Location: GTA West
Listing ID: 20240813
Listing Status: New
This is a delightful family-friendly dessert cafe which specializes in home-made, hand-crafted crepes, waffles, pancakes, pizza, sandwiches and ice cream AND SO MUCH MORE!
It also offers online ordering and home delivery and menus for all occasions, with a live crepe station and specialty coffee bar with barista!
Total Sales: $70,000
Cash Flow: N/A
FFE Included: Yes
Training & Support:
Present owner will train new buyer - details to be arranged.
Owner Hours Per Week: Sunday - Thursday - 12PM - 9PM Friday - Saturday - 12PM - 11PM
Type of Location: 927 sq.ft. facility on main floor of building in beautiful neighbourhood.
Facilities Information:
This is a neighourly cafe, ideal for a tasty treat and quality time with friends and family. Dine-in or take-out with outdoor seating in cafe atmosphere!
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